哀兵必胜 āibīng-bìshèng [an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win] 两军对垒,受压迫、处境绝望而悲愤反抗的一方必能获胜 哀愁 āichóu [sorrowful;sad] 哀伤愁苦 哀辞 āicí [dirge;elegy;lament] 用来哀悼、纪念死者的文章 哀悼 āidào [mourn sb."s death;bemoan;condole] 悲痛地悼念 哀悼死者 哀悼受害者 哀悼 āidào [mourning;condolence] 为一个人的逝世而举行的纪念仪式 哀而不伤 āi"érbùshāng [be sentimental but not mawkish;pathetic sentiments not carried to the extreme;deeply felt but not sentimental] 精神上烦恼或忧虑但不至于伤害身心 哀告 āigào [beg piteously;supplicate] 苦苦央求,告免 哀号 āiháo [wail with grief] 因哀痛而放声哭号 哀鸿遍野 āihóng-biànyě [starving people fill the land;disaster victim everywhere]《诗经·小雅·鸿雁》:“鸿雁于飞,哀鸣嗷嗷。”后用哀鸿遍野比喻流离失所、呻吟呼号的灾民到处都是 哀家 āijiā [queen who lived in widow] 旧小说、戏曲中太后或皇后在丈夫死后的自称 哀矜 āijīn [have pity on] 哀怜;怜悯 如得其情,则哀矜而勿喜。——《论语·子张》 哀怜,哀悯 āilián,āimǐn [have pity on;feel pity for sb.] 对他人的不幸给予同情怜悯 他们眼睛里流露出哀怜。——《二六七号牢房》 哀戚 āiqī [sorrow] 悲痛伤感 哀启 āiqǐ [eulogy on (life of) the deceased usually attached to the oobituary notice;memorial article] 放在讣告后的信函,用于追述死者生平事迹 哀求 āiqiú [entreat;implore;beg humbly and pitifully] 苦苦恳求 哀劝 āiquàn [do one’s utmost to persuade] 苦心劝告 哀荣 āiróng [ceremonious funeral] 死后办得很隆重的丧事 褒奖之命,虽已表于哀荣,遗奠之恩,宜再申于轸悼。——白居易《祭卢虔文》 哀伤 āishāng [distressed;heart-rending;sad;grieved] 悲痛忧伤 不胜哀伤 哀思 āisī [sad memories;mourning for the deceased] 悲哀思念的感情 寄托哀思 哀叹 āitàn (1) [bemoan;bewail;lament]∶呜咽地悲叹;出声地悲泣;哀泣 (2) [plaint;sigh]∶悲哀地叹息 他痛苦时便细声地哀叹 哀艳 āiyàn [be sad and beautiful;be sadly touching;be plaintive and elegant] 文辞凄切而艳丽 自屈宋以降,为文者本于哀艳,务于恢诞,亡于此兴,失古义矣。——柳冕《与徐给事论文书》 哀怨 āiyuàn [plaintive] 悲伤埋怨 哀乐 āiyuè [funeral music] 用于丧葬或追悼的悲哀乐曲 哀子 āizǐ [son bereaved of one"s mother] 旧时称死了母亲的男子为哀子